I’m originally from New Jersey and was raised in a boating family and had all kinds of pets. Both have greatly influenced my writing and art.
My first short story was published at the age of 14 in a national magazine “Popular Dogs”. Since then my work has branched out into writing stage and screenplays some of which have won awards : The Great Mudbug War, That’s the Spirit: A Haunting Comedy, Riders of the North Wind, and The Swamp Dragon. During the same time, I also wrote and had traditionally published novels that include historical fictions: Silver Eagles, a Civil War novel about Ames, Chamberlain and the 20th Maine, The Swamp Dragon, a Civil War fantasy novel, Dark Waters, a maritime novel about the Lusitania disaster, a maritime historical Storm Warning, about the chase, capture, and trial of the only slaver ever hung for piracy, a political comedy, Ghost of a Chance. Most recent books include, The Cat Who Fell to Earth, a first contact science fiction, The 13th Child, a horror that is a different take on the Jersey Devil legend and Arizona Red Ghost, a Western novella based on a true story. All work is traditionally published by royalty publishers. All can be found on Barnes & Nobel, Amazon and from the publishers. Some of my short stories have appeared in anthologies in print and online.
I have done professional artwork since the age of 18. I work in the medias of oils, acrylics, pen and ink, colored pencil and graphite pencil. Subject matter runs from wildlife paintings and pet portraits to illustration and cartoons. I have won many awards and had work exhibited in galleries including the Smithsonian. My last illustration work was children's book illustrations for Gini Graham Scott of Changemakers.
Presently I live in Fisher, WV. I teach in the local school district where students tell me I am their favorite teacher, and I am a naturalist in the summer at a state park. When teaching I can share my passions especially if my students get their work done on time. Every moment is shared by my two creative passions. I maintain a Face Book page – Nick Korolev Author/Artist and I am on Linkedin where interested people can keep track of my creative ventures. I am available for freelance work and commissions in both venues.
Freelance creative writing from co-writing screenplays to ghostwriting books and everything in between.
Portraits of pets and people on commission.
All your illustration needs for book covers or interiors in a variety of styles and media from fine art to cartoons.